People who argue that DEI is a modern, "Woke" invention ignores the long history of legal and social reforms that sought to dismantle exclusion and create real access to opportunity for many members of the Black community. As these writings will demonstrate, history, along with White Supremacy, didn't just move forward—it morphed.
Jim Crow laws weren't just policies; they were society's way of codifying racial segregation into everyday life—schools, housing, public spaces, and even transportation. Black Americans weren't just discriminated against; they were systematically locked out of opportunities and treated as fifth-class citizens by design, with the boundaries not stopping there.
Anti-miscegenation laws—banning interracial marriage—were crafted to maintain "racial purity" and uphold white supremacy. It took Loving v. Virginia (1967) to strike them down, a landmark win for civil rights and personal freedom. But legal victories alone weren't enough. It took courage—it took protest across the country with Black people being beaten live on TV. It took Black communities fighting back—through lunch counter sit-ins, marches, and sheer resilience in the face of violent retaliation.
One motel manager poisoned a pool rather than let Black patrons swim. The cruelty wasn't subtle. It wasn't hidden. It was proudly displayed, and no DEI will be permitted here. Like millions of others and other public areas nationwide, that motel would have no diversity or inclusion. And yet, resistance reshaped the landscape, forcing inclusion and representation in diners, busses, classrooms, and workplaces.
The Civil Rights Movement led to major wins:
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) dismantled school segregation.
The Civil Rights Act (1964) discriminated public spaces and employment unlawful.
The Voting Rights Act (1965) secured protections at the ballot box, removing absurd restrictions to members of the Black community.
These weren't just policy shifts; they were the foundation of DEI. But the fight wasn't over. The system didn't disappear—it evolved, as you'll learn that White Supremacy will take whatever form enables it to perpetuate and spread its hate.